with Associate Producer Jim Claven and Director Peter Ewer
SUN MAR 23, 4.00pm
April 1941 – Hitler launches his invasion of Greece.
In homes across Australia and New Zealand people feared what lay ahead for their loved ones who were sent as part of the Allied force sent to defend Greece.
This documentary tells the story of that valiant defence like never before.
Drawing on over 130 hours of veteran interviews, see and listen to the story of the campaign from the veterans themselves.
See them make their way north to stand alongside their Greek comrades as part of the Allied defence force. Listen to them recount the bitter battles and sorrows of the campaign. Hear them praise their Greek hosts who fought with them and helped them
Narrated by Barrie Cassidy whose father served in the campaign, the documentary is a unique account of this campaign and of the Anzacs who served there.
A fitting document of this essential part of the Hellenic link to the Anzac story. Not to be missed.
This documentary was produced for the Melbourne-based Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee Inc by historian Dr Peter Ewer and filmmaker John Irwin, assisted by the Committee’s historian Jim Claven OAM and communications consultant Vicki Kyritsis.
It was funded by a grant provided through the Australian Government’s Department of Veterans’ Affairs Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program, with additional financial and in-kind support provided by the Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee Inc.